Dedicated to Your Homeschooling Journey

Learning Styles
Every child is unique and learns in different ways. Understanding how your child learns and processes new information, skills, and concepts will help you better support them on your homeschooling journey.
The major learning styles are: Auditory, Kinesthetic, Reading/Writing, and Visual. See below for more information.

Traits of an Auditory Learner include: preferring listening to reading or writing, needing quiet study time, and watching videos help retain information.

Traits of a Kinesthetic Learner including: using all sense to engage in learning, preferring a hands on approach, and having excellent physical memory

Traits of a Visual Learner include: speaking quickly, being good at reading maps, loving to read, and speaking quickly

Traits of an Auditory Learner include: preferring listening to reading or writing, needing quiet study time, and watching videos help retain information.
Visually accessible document on learning styles.